Islamaphobia and hate crime training

Two training workshops run by Brighton & Hove City Council

1. Islamophobia / Anti-Muslim Hate

Monday 16th March 2015, 6 – 9 pm, Rooms 2 & 3, Second Floor, Brighton Town Hall


2. Reporting Hate Incidents/Crimes and Legislative Frameworks

Wednesday 18th March 2015, 4:30  – 7:30 pm, Rooms 2 & 3, Second Floor, Brighton Town Hall


Both workshops will be run by Fiyaz Mughal, the founder director of Faith Matters, a national organisation that also runs Tell MAMA – Measuring Anti-Muslim Attack.

Representatives from the  Community Safety Casework Team and Police will also be present.

The workshops are free and open to anyone. However, places are limited and priority will be given to the Muslim and BME communities.

If you would like to book a place on the training please contact

[email protected]