Community Works workshops: Diversity Awareness (race & religion); Disability Awareness

Community Works are running two further workshops on Diversity Awareness and Disability Awareness with local specialist providers BMECP, The Fed and Brighton & Hove Speak Out

The aim is to provide a space that encourages ongoing awareness of our duties in relation to the Equalities Act of 2010 as well as invigorating thinking as to how individuals and groups can engage around equalities and relate it to their work and services in a meaningful way.

 1. Diversity Awareness Workshop: with a focus on race and religion

Date: Monday 23rd March 2015
Time: 10.00am – 1.30pm
Venue: Community Base Conference Room, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton, BN1 3XG
Fees: See below

This session will explore the concept of ‘difference’ as compared with ‘normality’ within the framework of the 2012 Equalities Act of 2010, with a particular focus on the protected characteristics of race and religion. It will investigate key terminology to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of injustice. A short film will be viewed to explore the effect of religious stereotyping and ways in which we can challenge prejudice and discrimination will be considered.

By the end of the workshop session members will be able to:

  • Explain key definitions and concepts
  • Understand their role in relation to the Public Sector Equality Duty under the Equality Act 2010.
  • Understand the experience of difference for people with a legally protected characteristic – race and religion
  • Recognise how personal values and perceptions can inform unconscious bias and the potential impact in communities
  • Gain awareness of approaches they may use to challenge racial discrimination

Yaa Asare will lead this training on behalf of BMECP

 2. Disability Awareness Workshop

Date: Tuesday 7th April
Time: 10.00am – 1.00pm
Venue: Community Base Conference Room, 113 Queens Rd, Brighton, BN1 3XG
Fees: See below

This session will provide an overview of the social model of disability and look at the obligations for groups and organisations under the Equality Act. It will also present findings of recent local research highlighting the barriers faced by disabled people in Brighton & Hove. With both increasingly challenging operational conditions and widespread national reforms, it is more important than ever that groups and individuals have the tools and the confidence to identify both needs and solutions for disabled people in the city and can use this to develop accessible services.

By the end of the workshop session members will be able to:

  • Understand the definition and types of Disability in the Equality Act 2010;
  • Identify the barriers disabled people may experience and their impact;
  • Identify ways in which barriers can be removed or minimised to ensure disabled people may access services and employment opportunities and access channels of influence so that their views may be represented

The Fed Centre for Independent Living and Brighton & Hove Speakout will deliver this training

 Course fees:

  1. If your organisation’s annual income is under £250,000 AND if your organisation is a Community Works Member: £25
  2. If your organisation’s annual income is under £250,000 AND if your organisation is NOT a Community Works Member*: £30
  3. If your organisation’s annual income is over £250,000 AND if your organisation is a Community Works Member: £40
  4. If your organisation’s annual income is under over £250,000 AND if your organisation is NOT a Community Works Member*:£45

* Organisations who are not a member of Community Works, but are a charity or community group operating in Brighton and Hove

Some bursary places are available to groups in Brighton and Hove with an income of less than £35,000 pa.

To book:

For more information on either session or to book your place, please contact: [email protected] or call 01273 234023.