SafetyNet safeguarding workshops in November

SafetyNet have spaces on the following courses running during November. Use the links to find out more about the course and a book place via Eventbrite, or email [email protected] for more information.

Supervising to Safeguard

Tuesday 3rd November, 10:00am – 4:00pm.

This course is suitable for all managers who, as part of their role, have responsibility for both supervision of staff and safeguarding children. The whole day programme is designed to support managers in developing their supervision practice to promote safe effective practice in a children’s service or organisation, in line with their organisation’s supervision policy. There will be opportunities to build on existing skills and deepen understanding alongside managers from other professional backgrounds

Safeguarding Policy Workshop

Tuesday 10th November; 10:00am – 1:00pm

This course is suitable for all managers or safeguarding leads whoever has responsibility for updating their organisations safeguarding policy. The half-day session is designed to support you in developing your safeguarding policy or a basis for creating one. The session will conclude with one to one discussions, a policy template if appropriate and a personal action plan.

Holding Challenging Conversations with Parents, Carers & Young People

Tuesday 24th November; 10:00am – 4:00pm

This course is for anyone who has challenging conversations with families in their work – whatever this is in relation to. It is an opportunity to take time out to reflect on the nature of these conversations and how we approach them. It will be a reflective, practical and experiential course where we consider both the dynamics present in these conversations, as well giving you some tools and strategies to help these conversations to be more effective.