Applications are now open for this year’s Summer Pride grants. The deadline is 27th June, with decisions expected in early July.
Blog Archives
Community Health Fund (Sussex Community Foundation) – DEADLINE APPROACHING
More info about Sussex Community Foundation. Does your group help to address a health issue? Do you have an idea for a healthy project or activity? Would you like help to develop your group if you are just starting out? The…
Gants of up to £15,000 for projects to support unemployed people to develop skills
The ESF Community Grants Fund Round Two is now open for applications from charities and not for profit groups in Brighton and Sussex. Grants of up to £15,000 are available for projects that support unemployed people to develop skills and…
Our Big Gig funding available
Our Big Gig has grants available for community groups to run open access community music events. Groups can apply for up to £400 towards the cost of their event. Events must take place between 11th and 13th July and be…
Community Trees Fund deadline reminder
Community groups and schools can apply for £100-£700 from the Tree Council to plant apple and pear trees, through the Orchard Windfalls Fund. The trees must be planted on publicly accessible land (usually owned by a local authority, school or charity).…
Free online fundraising course
For more information, go to:
Free funding clinic for sports groups
Brighton & Hove Council Sports Development Team. Sported, and Active Sussex are hosting a free sports funding clinic on Tuesday 18th March 2014 at St Richards Church and Community Centre in Hove. The event will run from 6.30pm –…
Free help for BME groups on Lottery Heritage funding bids
FREE advice and support is available for BME groups in Brighton and Hove and East/West Sussex to help develop successful heritage lottery funding bids. To register for support, you need to go to the next meeting of the BME heritage…
B&H Council Annual Grants to Smaller Organisations: Deadlines announced
Brighton and Hove City Council is now inviting applications to the Annual Grants Programme 2014-15. This year’s deadlines are: 14 March, 4th July, 3rd October. Please also note that applicants requesting funding for projects and events taking place before September…
Tree Council grants for Orchard Planting
Community groups and schools can apply for £100-£700 from the Tree Council to plant apple and pear trees, through the Orchard Windfalls Fund. The trees must be planted on publicly accessible land (usually owned by a local authority, school or…