We have published a new information sheet to help community groups with health and safety. Health and safety for community groups includes practical steps small groups can take to improve health and safety, plus sample policies. This is currently only…
Blog Archives
New Resource Centre information sheet: Health and safety for community groups
Free funding clinic for sports groups
Brighton & Hove Council Sports Development Team. Sported, and Active Sussex are hosting a free sports funding clinic on Tuesday 18th March 2014 at St Richards Church and Community Centre in Hove. The event will run from 6.30pm –…
Free help for BME groups on Lottery Heritage funding bids
FREE advice and support is available for BME groups in Brighton and Hove and East/West Sussex to help develop successful heritage lottery funding bids. To register for support, you need to go to the next meeting of the BME heritage…
Brighton and Hove Community Health Fund – Round 2 now open!
This fund aims to support and fund small community groups (annual income below £35,000) based in Brighton or Hove, addressing a particular health issue or wanting to run a health related activity. They are keen to reach groups who are…
Help with managing your group’s money
Local accounting firm Clark Brownscombe are hosting a seminar on Running your Finances Well, on Wednesday 6th November at Community Base. This seminar will cover banking and financing; insolvency and the responsibilities and liabilities of trustees; and effective financial management for different…
Trustee Week event, 6th November
Are you a Trustee or member of a Management Committee? Are you considering becoming one? Trustees are the people in charge of a charity. They may be called trustees, directors, board members, governors or committee members, but they are the…
CVSF monthly surgery: next date 9th July, 2pm-8pm
These sessions are an open opportunity for any group or organisation to meet with Community and Voluntary Sector Forum staff for advice or support. Whether it’s a bit of support for your group or organisation, or if you just want…
One-to-one support for small voluntary orgs & social enterprises (social care & health services)
The Performance Development Service run by Impetus is funded by the PCT to provide free 1:1 support to small and medium-sized voluntary/social enterprise organisations which deliver services to people with social, health or care needs and/or who are socially excluded…