Do you have a good idea for a community-university partnership project? Do your ideas involve working with communities, projects or academics local to University of Brighton campuses? Do you need some seed funding to kick-start co-working? Cupp seed funding aims…
Blog Archives
Training day on mental health and human rights
The British Institute of Human Rights is holding a learning event on June 23rd about human rights and mental health. The event is part of a project run by BIHR and partners which looks at how human rights can help ensure people using mental…
Working with Communities training course
This two day course is organised by the Trust for Developing Communities and Brighton & Hove City Council. The course gives an overview of different ways to work with communities and then supports participants to develop their own approach and…
Know My Neighbour open meeting
Know My Neighbour is a citywide community project run by One Church Brighton, aimed at sparking social connections to create a better Brighton & Hove. This May is the launch of Brighton & Hove’s first Know My Neighbour week, starting…
Know My Neighbour Pop-up Cafe
Know My Neighbour is a citywide campaign run by One Church Brighton, aiming to encourage neighbourliness to create a better connected city. The pop up café will run throughout Know My Neighbour week 21st – 27th May at Gloucester Road Church,…
Tesco’s Bags of Help funding scheme
The second round of funding for the Tesco Bags of Help scheme will open for applications on 18 April 2016 and close on 3rd June. Bags of Help is administered by Groundwork and funded by Tesco customers from the proceeds…
Community Shares Conference
Brighton & Hove Social Enterprise Network is organising a Community Shares conference on Thursday, 7 April 2016, 10 am. to 4 pm at the Brighthelm Community Centre, North Road, Brighton, BN1 1YD. It is free. Community Shares offer opportunities for communities…
Next Brighton Soup event 29th April
Brighton Soup are holding their next event on Friday 29th April at The Crypt, Kemptown. Community projects who need a little funding are invited to submit their ideas by midday on Tuesday 5th April. Four shortlisted projects will be invite…
Brighton & Hove Council 2016-17 grant funds now open for application
Groups with annual incomes below £35,000 can now apply for funding from Brighton & Hove Council’s five annual grant schemes, for activities in 2016-17: Annual grants for smaller organisations Environmental sustainability grants Arts partnership awards Community festivals grants Hedgcock Bequest…
CUPP Seed Fund Programme
Community University Partnership Programme (CUPP) seed funding aims to support the development of partnerships between academic staff and community organisations that will work together on a topic of mutual interest. Up to £5,000 is available per project and CUPP can…