Monthly Archives: November 2016

Resource Centre memories wanted

We are celebrating our 40th Anniversary with a week-long exhibition at the Jubilee Library next January, and we need your help! We are asking for community or voluntary groups who have used the Centre’s services at any time during the

Posted in Resource Centre News

Share your photos

This month Brighton & Hove Food Partnership are running a social media campaign to celebrate all kind of shared meals in the city and they want your photos! There are 3 ways to share your  photos: 1)      Facebook – 2)     

Posted in Events

Bid writing workshops in Brighton Jan and Feb2017

Tuesday 10th January or Tuesday 21st February Bid Writing : The Basics Cost: £95 This workshop provides a series of practical tips to improve the quality and success rate of your future funding bids. Bid Writing : Advanced Cost: £95

Posted in Money, Training

Upcoming training courses by Community Works

Community Works is running the following training courses in the near future. For more information & updates, please go to their website. Tuesday 13 December 2016: Getting to Grips with Monitoring and Evaluation and the Community Insight tool Thursday 19

Posted in Advice and support

Cornerstone Christmas Market

The Christmas Market at Cornerstone Community Centre is on Saturday 26th November from 11am to 3pm. They still have a few stall spaces available at £10 a table. Contact [email protected] if interested.

Posted in Events

Safeguarding & Child Protection training

Saftey Net have a few spaces left on their three hour Introduction to Safeguarding & Child Protection training. Thursday 24th November from 10:00am to 1:00pm. Suitable for anyone working with children and young people and costs £15 / £25 depending

Posted in Training

Project planning workshop for LGBT disabled people

LGBT HIP is co-hosting a workshop with Harriet from Scope’s Local People Programme, to enable LGBT disabled people to access project funding and support from Scopes Local People Programme. Friday 25th November| Stamner Room, Brighthelm | 2-4 pm Any LGBT

Posted in Events, Training

Mental Wellbeing Innovation Fund – closes 14 Dec

The public health team at the Council and the CCG mental health team have just published an invitation to bid for a third round of the Mental Wellbeing Innovation Fund at: Funding is for one year only Up to

Posted in Funding

Training: Welfare benefits for beginners 17th January 2017

Do you help clients with their benefits but find the system difficult to use? BHT’s one-day Benefits for Beginners training course will give new and less experienced staff a solid overview of the benefits system. It will bring you up-to-date

Posted in Training

How to apply for Arts Council Funding: November 24th

Are you interested in applying to the Arts Council for funding, but don’t know where to start? Are you thinking about applying but would like some advice first? Do you want to understand more about how the process works, and

Posted in Funding, Training